
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Features Traditions Folklore Stories

Christmas Tree Story 
The Christmas tree is said to have made its debut in Germany, when decorative lights and ornaments were placed on fir trees. Before today’s contemporary decorations, though, a Christmas tree was embellished not with artificial trinkets but with candles, flowers and intricately carved fruits and vegetables in various countries.
Christmas in Greece: In Greece, the trend of lighting up boats has taken over the traditional lighting of Christmas trees. In many Greek homes you may see a lit-up boat model, with the bow facing the inside.

Story of Santa Claus
That cheery rotund jolly fellow who leaves gifts beneath the Christmas tree is said to have popped up on the roof during the 4th Century. A bishop named Saint Nicholas did not want the poor to know he was helping them, so he would perch on the roof and just throw down little bags of coins through the chimney. As legend goes, the coins dropped directly into stockings kept to dry at the fireside. That is why, to this day, stockings are kept strategically placed near fireplaces.

How Christmas Gifts-giving started
As for the Christmas gifts, you can thank the Romans for starting it! The officials had to present gifts to the Emperor during the festive season of Christmas. Flowers and olive wreaths gave way to cupcakes, small trinkets, and, over time, to the lavish gifts which are happily given to all and sundry.

Code words in Christmas Carol 12 Days of Christmas 
It is said that the birds, maids, lords, drummers and objects in the 12 Days of Christmas are actually referring to various aspects of the Christian religion.
* 1 partridge in a pear tree
* 2 turtle doves
* 3 French hens
* 4 calling birds
* 5 golden rings
* 6 geese a-laying
* 7 swans a-swimming
* 8 maids a-milking
* 9 ladies dancing
* 10 lords a-leaping
* 11 pipers piping
* 12 drummers drumming

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