
Saturday, September 6, 2014

2014 Ram Maruti Road Ganapati pandal photos

The photos of this blog post are of the Ram Maruti Road Ganapati pandal. This is one pandal which does not have over the top flashy decor and has really good lighting. The lighting is of a diffused type, not over bright or shadowy and literally makes the Ganapati idol glow.

What's more, you don't tend to get distracted by the pandal decor but your focus is where it should be - taking darshan of the beautifully designed idol.

A couple of days before the immersion of the idol, the pandal sets up a large table outside on which beautifully carved fruits and vegetables are displayed.

The pandal is just ahead of the Shiv Sena Bhavan, Shivaji Park, in the lane near the Sportsfolio shop which sells sports goods.

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