
Friday, December 24, 2010

Best Merry Christmas SMS Greetings and Wishes


Thinking with pleasure
Of things that you do (like reading my blog!),
Sending best wishes
Just for you,
And hoping a Christmas
Too nice to forget
Will be followed right up
By your BEST New Year yet.
 The happy thoughts and memories
That Christmas brings to mind,
Help to make this greeting
The very special kind
It is filled to overflowing
With the warmest of wishes too,
All of them intended
Especially for you!


The tree is all trimmed
And the streamers are hung,
The candles are glowing
And carols are sung,
There's feasting and laughter
And warmth and good cheer
And everyone’s happy
For Christmas is here!

Have a perfect Christmas!

He was born in an obscure village,
The child of a peasant woman.
He worked in a carpenter’s shop
And was an itinirent preacher.
He never wrote a book.
He never held an office.
He did none of these things one usually associates with greatness.

20 centuries have come and gone,
And today He is the central figure of the human race.
All the armies that ever marched,
All the navies that ever sailed,
All the Kings that ever reigned, put together,
Have not affected the life of man on this earth as much as that
One Solitary Life.

May the love of our Saviour be with you at Christmas and always.

May all the joy and the beauty
Of that still, Holy Night
Be with you at Christmastimes
And make the whole year bright.

With joy and adoration
We celebrate the birth
Of the tiny little Savior
Who came to live on earth;
And as you sing His praises
May He be near to bless
Your Christmas and your New Year
With joy and happiness.


Christmas lets us see again
The Star that lit the earth
When angels sang their song of joy
Proclaiming Jesus’ birth;
For now, as then, the Star is Hope –
A promise from Above,
And Christmas lets us see again
The brightness of God’s love
- B.J. Hoff

A special touch of Christmas
On a Christmas card,
A special thought at Christmas
Sent with warm regard
Merry Christmas!

A very Merry Christmas
Is my wish for you –
Filled with joy and laughter
And a Happy New Year too!
Wishing you a Christmas
That is very bright and glad –
In fact, the very happiest time
That you have ever had

When the sound of Christmas bells
Begins to fill the winter air,
When the spirit of the season
Spreads its magic everywhere,
It’s time to send a greeting
Meant especially to say
Here’s hoping someone special
Has a Merry Christmas Day!

Coming on the Christmas
As clear as Christmas chimes
Are special wishes for you there
Merry…happy times

When the sound of Christmas bells
Begins to fill the winter air,
When the spirit of the season
Spreads its magic everywhere,
It’s time to send a greeting
Meant especially to say
Here’s hoping someone special
Has a Merry Christmas Day!


Here’s hoping your Christmas 

Turns out to be a truly enjoyable one…

With lots of Surprises in all shapes and sizes ~
A whole lot of festive fun!

Christmas is a festive time and nothing can compare,
To the special cheer that fills the home for everyone to share…
So may your home be filled with joy
When Christmastime is here,
And may very special happiness be yours
Throughout the coming Year.
May you enjoy the pleasures
Only Christmastime can bring –
 Special joy and happiness,
The best of everything –
 And may the New Year bring to you,
In the warmest kind of way,
Memories to treasure
Of a Happy Christmas Day.

This brings a simple wish today
That you have often heard,
But never have more warmth and cheer
Been sent with every word – Merry Christmas!

Hope – that shines bright as the first Christmas star
Faith – that led Wise Men to travel afar
Peace – and contentment the first shepherds knew
His Love – to guide you a bright New Year through
These are the wishes being sent your way
Not only at Christmas but for every day!

Let’s light a candle with all of our warmth,
Our friendship and love and good will,
So that even when Christmas is over,
Its meaning will be shining still.

Warm wishes, like candles,
All shining and new,
To bring a bright Christmas
And a new year to you! 

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